Monday, December 31, 2012

Dont Give Your Power Away

We have seen many living saints lately, and we have seen problems that come with their organizations. Individually, may be he or she does not have any ill intention towards his or her followers. The most common problem is when a Spiritual Organization grows bigger and bigger, certain group of people tend to take advantage of the situation. They might create their own set of rules saying: The Master or Baba (or whatever holy names they are using) wants you to do this and that......Some of them even commercialize the whole things (selling pictures, piece of the holy man's clothing, etc) leading to individual worshiping.

Even a true living saint should realized that he or she is only a Facilitator of God, The Beginning of Everything, not more than that. A true living saint would teach and act as part of the Divine, not becoming the Divine itself.

So, when You learn Meditation or other Spiritual practice from someone who endorse other than Pure Unconditional Love, stay away! When you know your Guru is saying things not in accordance of Divine Love & Lights about other method, other Teacher, for what ever reason, stay away.

Fear, being one of the most commonly used form of controlling, is frequently used by these Gurus. Some of them might set a date as the end of the world and ask you to do certain things. Historically, we have seen or heard of these types, and none of them is true. They are only capitalizing on their followers Fear. God himself never put a date when He is going to end all of this.

Religion, a certain Spiritual practice such as Meditation group or certain belief system often uses Fear to control their followers. This is not entirely bad, as long as it does not separate You as a Light Being and The One. If You are in full consciousness that nothing could come between Yourself and The One, then you are alright. God never use Fear to control us. God radiates Pure Unconditional Love at all times

Fear only works for those who are not aware that we are all Light Beings choosing to undergo human experience. After all, we are all part of The One, we are all Light Beings that should live in Pure Unconditional Love.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Coping With Panic Attacks

How to Live With Panic Attack and Survive

Coping with panic attacks is not always easy, but it is possible. Experts have concluded that with appropriate medication, and counseling, patients suffering from these problems, however frequent they are, may live normally. For those who have little or no control over their condition, it can be difficult to concentrate on things, and to function adequately at work. This is very frustrating and could really ruin your life. You can prevent any of these with widely available effective treatment now

Coping with panic attacks must be taken seriously in its early stage. These annoying problems are suffered by many. People who have panic disorder are normal people. The only difference between someone who has panic disorder and someone that does not, is that their bodies and brains react differently to fear. Humans are not naturally brave beings. These attacks are just an exaggeration of the normal fears that arise every day. even by small things. These small things could creates an unnecessary amount of stress that can be avoided with proper therapy or medication.

Coping with panic attacks is easy with effective treatment that can drastically reduce or even eliminate fear. The environment around you is proof that many people in the world have these problems, but have the problem under control and able to lead perfectly normal lives. Advances in medication and alternative therapy, along with public awareness have helped to ensure that people are still able to function successfully in society. Panic disorder can not be cured completely, but remember that you are not alone and help is there. Find a friend or someone you can trust to talk about the feelings you have. You may be surprised to discover that by telling someone about whatever your fear is, your will feel so much better and life will be much happier.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Best Meditation Technique For Abundance

Meditation is not just a practice, it is a complete lifestyle in itself. Meditation enlightens us about the art of living. It is worthy to call meditation as a life transforming experience. It can turn you familiar with ever blossoming voyage of self discovery and inner awakening. Meditation is the best way to bring us a step closer to The Source. We can start meditating for few minutes but it is bound to become a part of your life soon. It is the art of knowing self. It is a very fruitful practice which awards us with peace of mind, joy and focus, love and a better will power too.

Meditation awakens the Kundalini and activate the Pituitary Gland, thus, bring us one step closer to The Source. It has been practiced since ancient times by holy men in different civilizations. It has been adopted by many cultures apart from these two, just because they fit the need of almost every individual. Meditation with Divine Energy brings lot of abundance in our life's. This is all because of increased will power in our mind.

Will power is the keyword which closely associates Meditation with the Law of Manifestation. It is the point where what you wish become real. Manifestation is our magic key to the kingdom of achieving our wishes. We can choose to learn how to become conscious creators. Manifestation provides us with the capability to turn things into reality. We need to know that we manifest all the time. We are constantly creating and shaping the world around us by our thoughts and beliefs. The human race has developed itself more than any other species just because humans haven't left themselves at the mercy of fate but instead, we have manifested our dreams. We are the creators of our own realities. To manifest our dreams, first of all we need to create a blueprint in our mind. Try to visualize it with as many senses as possible and feel it. Make it as a part of your life, something you have already achieved and now enjoying it.

For manifestation of things all you need is to surrender and believe it. For example, you should use present tense like "I am" or "I have" instead of "I wish" or "I hope". Meditation strengthens the mind to an extent that you can easily make assumptions with strong will power. When you meditate, you will notice the change that you are able to easily manifest on things you want. Abundance meditation is the art of working with own body instead of working against it. Your daily meditations will lead to you encountering materialization of wishes in your daily life. Just take note of these events when they occur. They're a sign that you've made a connection, that your meditation is working. Once you are done manifesting the thing in your mind, state it aloud. For example, you can say, "I want to manifest a new car" or "I want to manifest a new job". When you are finished with meditation process, you can feel the impulse to do something. It is a good idea to speak to some one or make a phone call. This is your intuition at work and it has been triggered because of your meditation only.

When meditation and the law of manifestation are practiced together, they produce amazing results. Meditation can completely change our thinking and our attitude towards life. It can bring glories of success for us. Meditation strengthens our mind and any success story starts with a strong mind only, which is full of will power. Meditation can increase our productivity, this is the reason many CEO's of top ranked companies are joining it. It can give you desired increments in your pay and is even capable of fulfilling your big material dreams like a bigger house and a better car. The secret to your success comes from within. The thoughts you think, the beliefs you hold, have extraordinary power to make or break your chances for success. When you start practicing meditation regularly, you will notice that you are getting better at your work day by day because of your better focus and positive thinking. This will bring more success and wealth to you. Sure your chances of success improve by learning the most effective techniques to meet your goals. Whether they are financial, romantic, altruistic, scientific, or health related. Meditation can bring charm in your relationships because you become more tolerant and much calmer in mind with it.

These are four simple practices which can help you a lot in your abundance with meditation:
1. Always pray and connect yourself to The Source in meditation
2. Believe you will receive and surrender
3. Always put yourself in pure unconditional love 24/7
4. Always put yourself in very good mood, happiness is one of the most important factor in getting abundance

A person who arranges his work and his spiritual practice, so that he is not distinct, is the career warrior. While this may sound strange and unattainable at first, it can be accomplished quite easily with practice and with the proper mindset. Because of the focus that is paid to work, the Career Warrior naturally reaps great rewards by attaining a level of success in his or her career. Success in the workplace is used as a tool for enhancing our awareness and bringing a sense of purpose to our lives.

Meditation and spirituality are closely associated terms and couldn't be parted from each other. Like we did mentioned earlier in this article, many cultures are using meditation to increase the spirituality and to get one step closer to the source i.e. the GOD. Few most known benefits of meditation for spirituality are, discovery of self, the discovery of power and consciousness beyond egos, increase in mental awareness, peace of mind and mental detachment.

Best Meditation Music

Music has been used in Meditation since its very beginning. Certain music has healing benefits to those who meditate. There is a lot of truth in this, since music influence one's mood and state of mind. The most common effect of music, in this case relaxing meditation music, is its calming effect. Those who listen will feel relaxed and make meditation more pleasant. Other special meditation and tribal music have cleansing effect. This kind of music usually works on your Chakras. Certain vibration and frequency clean your chakras and mental bodies.

Along with other meditation equipment, such as meditation chairs, meditation music has been selling well. In Meditation forum we could see lots of people sell and discuss which meditation music is the best. Some people would argue that the traditional tribal music, such as Native American or Indian Music is the best, while the others are insisting on the more modern, electronically produced meditation music. The fact of the matter, they are both are right. As long as the music makes them more relaxed and pleasant, listening to such music in meditation is good. However, this habit could lead to dependency. Those who always depend on music to make their meditation more relaxing and pleasant will be too dependent on the music itself. We heard a lot of confession that they could not do a deep meditation without a good meditation music.

Meditation is one way to communicate with the Source, the Beginning of Everything and nothing is supposed to come between you and The Source. Although most of the times you will be assisted by Light Masters, Angels and Arch Angels, especially in the beginning, you can communicate with The Source directly, without any help from anybody or anything. The Divine Love and Lights that comes from the Source is the Best Music of All. When you are blessed with it, you will feel overwhelmed and full of joy - more than any music in the world could hypnotize you .

When you are meditating in Pure Unconditional Love, You could do it anywhere you wish. You could meditate in the park, in your living room, or even while you are working. You don't need to close your eyes to have Divine Love & Lights pouring in through your Crown Chakra. Meditating or communicating with The Source will never be the same again, You could do it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This way, you are always connected to The Source, without any limitation.

One has to remember, The Source is limitless. So, why are we limiting ourselves in order to communicate (meditating) with Him? Do not limit yourselves with rituals, music or even sitting position. The best music is meditation is the inner smile from deep within you. You are now set to communicate with Him, anywhere and anytime. Enjoy it.